The Life Skills Curriculum is an intensive and comprehensive coaching curriculum with real life application. We utilize a holistic approach. This includes cognitive, emotional, social, behavioral, academic and vocational support assisting the client in reaching milestones, and ultimately, the optimum level of independent functioning. We utilize an individualized program including the curriculum developed to support the special needs community. We also provide academic support for high school completion and college classes.
Goals Development
Life Skills
Growth Plans
Learning Style
On admission or shortly after, clients participate in a Life Skills Assessment, Growth Plan Development, and a Learning Style Inventory. Each client attends a full day of life skills coaching a minimum of one day per week. The days can be broken up to meet client needs for shorter work intervals. For those in high school and/or college, the client has the opportunity to be in the Life Skills office daily for tutoring and support. Our team has the client conduct a “family call” each week where the client is in control of the call. The coaches are on the call with the primary goal of supporting the clients as they move from adolescent child to young adult conversations.
Why Life Skills?
The primary goals of Life Skills are to teach, assist and support clients in developing the necessary skills to become as successfully independent as possible. This includes decision making, an extensive money management curriculum, healthy living, personal care and personal development, medication management, sex education, housing options, employment module (job interest assessments, job skills, maintaining the job), social skills, relationships, resourcing/information skill building, time management, problem solving and pre-vocational skills as appropriate for clients. Emphasis is placed on developing functional skills that are practiced in real life. The clients operate the Breakfast Nook, Gobs and Gobs of Kabobs Food Truck, Mountain Market, and Venus Pies along with having opportunities to work in local service oriented businesses in the community.

All clients are working toward “transition” which is our Community Integration phase. This is where they demonstrate the implementation of skills learned for successful living in a more independent and community based structure. This is the next step in our training ground prior to successful independence.
Developing Plans
One of the primary skills our clients learn is to develop a Plan. They must have a complete plan as they begin making purchases of items such as phones or computers. They must have a complete plan for activities they would like to engage in, such as going on field trips. Creating Plans promotes critical thinking skills and provides opportunities for clients to consider all steps in the critical thinking process. They must also plan for any consequences, positive or negative, which may result from the execution of the Plan. This process requires the clients to slow down in their thinking, getting away from the immediate gratification they have become accustomed to. This prepares them for bigger decisions in life such as purchasing a home or choosing a partner.

The coaching model we use begins with “today” and moves forward. Coaches and mentors act as the bumper guards for the clients as they move through the process of transitioning from adolescents to young adults. Our coaches have many years of experience and certifications in Life Coaching, Professional Coaching and Addiction Recovery Coaching, as well as advanced college degrees and certifications.